Increase your growth opportunity pipeline

Automate research and create actionable growth opportunities to improve account team productivity, dramatically increase pipelines, and drive revenue.

Uncover your customers’ needs and significantly increase your pipeline

Key account executives consider only about 11% of sales conversations to be valuable on average. Customers buy from salespeople who can collaborate on a path to success. Research indicates that you will win 75% of the time if you help your client envision what success looks like. It all starts with listening to your customer’s needs.


Discovering your customer's needs has become simpler

Unify leverages external intelligence to monitor global key account’s needs, initiatives, goals, legislative and economic events, industry trends, subsidiaries, and competitors as well as executive leadership and decision-making stakeholders so you know what your customer needs ahead of time. AI automates research and creates actionable growth opportunities to improve account team productivity, dramatically increase pipelines, and drive revenue.


Model out the key stakeholders involved in decision-making

Gartner research says up to 20 key stakeholders are required in making a decision. Aligning your value to each stakeholder with their desired outcome is a critical step in the sales process. Polaris I/O makes it easy to monitor, track, and align your value propositions to the relevant agreement network for every growth opportunity.

AI Automation

Making cross-sell and upsell intelligence immediately actionable

Leverage AI-enabled capabilities to quickly summarize information, connect value propositions, and write outbound communications in minutes. Our daily feeds of account needs can be turned into more frequent new growth opportunities daily in far less time increasing pipelines and the number of valuable sales conversations that can be activated.

Growth Opportunity Dashboard

Increase the breadth and depth of new growth opportunities

Polaris I/O enables you to organize white space across buying centers by category to continuously identify the best potential growth opportunities at any given time.


Stay up-to-date on your contacts

Receive alerts when your contacts have changed positions, companies, or even divisions.


Centralize notes for better pursuits

Enterprise deals take time which accumulates hundreds of notes, assets, and more. Polaris I/O's Notes provide the piece of mind that your pursuit history stays with the team, not just one team member.

The Enterprise Research Intelligence Apps

Software designed to continuously grow and nurture the size and quality of your opportunity pipelines.


Unify automates accounts across thousands of aggregated financial reports and global news feeds for finding and activating new sales opportunities tied to account expressed needs, and matches capabilities, stakeholders, and contextually relevant assets to each new initiative.


Connect enables you to see how companies, people, and situations are linked to each other.  Connections are established from facts found in news articles, financial reports, business communications, business posts, business profiles and academic backgrounds. By utilizing our Connections Database, Connect provides a visual interface to vital information that could help grow pipelines and increase revenues within your key customers.


Illuminate enables key account teams to create and provide valuable insight reports to customers based on important news, events, or patterns and trends affecting their company and industry. 3rd party data sets and flexible data visualization are available to create rich insight reports that can be shared online with key account stakeholders.


Pulse collects customer stakeholder perspectives while organizing direct client feedback by altitude level, region, and role to provide a key account health check including relationship measurement scores for trending over time.

Explore the go-to-customer workflow


The Polaris I/O platform

Automates the collection of third-party and first-party intelligence to:

  • increase your pipelines
  • make it easier for your team to collaborate during the deal process
  • streamline your communications with your customer
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Enterprise Research Intelligence

Increase your opportunity pipeline

Automate research and create actionable growth opportunities to improve account team productivity, dramatically increase pipelines, and drive revenue.

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A better plan leads to bigger deals

Execute growth opportunities faster by centralizing your deal assets, team collaboration, and real-time account planning.

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Commercial Community

Increase client retention

Provide your key accounts with a personalized digital experience that centralizes account assets, integrated comms, and feedback mechanisms.

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